Frictionless connection between devices and leading cloud services

A direct link to your cloud of choice
Send data from any device connected with Soracom Air to a predefined endpoint for automatic ingestion into your AWS backend. No relay server, SDK installation, or on-device credentials required.
SORACOM Funnel currently supports:
- Amazon Kinesis
- Amazon Kinesis Firehose
(SORACOM Funnel is provided as a Public Beta service)
How it Works
Connecting IoT devices to cloud services usually requires a relay server or installation of a device-side SDK.
With Funnel, you can transmit data directly from devices just by specifying your desired AWS resource. Funnel removes the need to store passwords on devices, and allows access to your AWS backend with minimal setup or in-field maintenance.
Funnel also allows use of lighter HTTP, TCP, and UDP protocols. Soracom will automatically convert to secure protocols for delivery to AWS, reducing total power and bandwidth requirements.

Programmable Access Points
Because you can set the Funnel endpoint as the destination for device data, you can manage connections for any device or group directly through the Soracom console or API.
When you’re ready to switch from test to production, just send a command. No need to reset individual devices.