Soracom drops IoT connectivity prices and introduces automatic volume discounts

As our CTO and co-founder Kenta Yasukawa announced today at IoT World 2018, Soracom is reducing prices across the board for IoT connectivity in the US and Canada beginning June 1st. On top of that, we’re adding a new, automatic volume discount pricing. The more bandwidth your IoT solution consumes, the less $/MB you will pay. No “contact us” or “talk to sales” required.
In April we crossed the 10,000 customer milestone and we’re still growing fast. This is not the next step in a race to the bottom: we believe in value over cost, and we know that Soracom’s connectivity-as-a-service approach and IoT-focused cloud services are helping to transform wireless data from a utility into a strategic asset.
So why lower prices now? Simple, because it’s in our DNA. As our customer base grows we want to pass on the benefits to our customers and help them grow even further.
Every penny counts
We’ve always said that our mission was to create a more connected world. And that we’d do it by making it easier for developers to create connected experiences. That goes for the proverbial “two nerds in a garage” and it goes just as much for developers working on crucial products inside large organizations.
Working with 10,000 customers, we’ve learned a lot about what it takes to bring your vision off the whiteboard and into the world. And we’ve also learned that even a field-tested prototype is just one more step toward successful deployment at scale. We know that if you’re just getting started, every penny counts. We also know that as your project grows and the people around you start booking flights to Shenzhen and tossing around TLAs like BOM and ODM, those pennies matter even more.
The good news for us is, because our user base has grown so much, our ability to deliver affordable bandwidth has grown as well. So we’re making connectivity more affordable for the developers who are actually building our new connected world.
A new deal for IoT
When we think about pricing, we often focus on cost of connectivity, but it’s not the only factor we consider. Transparency, predictability, and flexibility matter just as much. That’s why our service has always been completely pay-as-you-go, with no commitments, no minimums or per-device billing, and fully pooled metering across your entire network of IoT SIMs. We also do not charge when your SIM is in Ready or Standby status so customers do not get charged when their devices are yet to be deployed in the field.
It’s also important to our mission as a platform for IoT that we keep pricing fair for every user, from the smallest to the largest. That’s why we’re making our volume pricing public and offering the same deal for every Soracom user.
Beginning June 1st, every customer in the US and Canada will see their cost for data go down by 10–20%, and volume pricing will be applied automatically for all customers using more than 250MB per month.
1. Initial cost (No Change)
SIM Card: $5.00 / SIM
eSIM: $6.00 / SIM
2. Basic fee (New!)
Ready/Standby Status: $0.00 / Day / SIM
Active Status: $0.06 / Day / SIM
Ready/Standby Status: $0.00 / Day / SIM
Active Status: 0–100 SIMs: $0.06 / Day / SIM
101+ SIMs: $0.05 / Day / SIM
3. Data Communication Fee (New!)
For connections in the U.S.
0–250MB: $0.073/MB
250–500MB: $0.057/MB
500–1024MB: $0.053/MB
1GB-5GB: $0.047/MB
For connections in Canada
0–250MB: $0.16/MB
250–500MB: $0.15/MB
500–1024MB: $0.14/MB|
1GB-5GB: $0.13/MB
This isn’t the first time that we’ve reduced the cost of connecting IoT devices, and it certainly won’t be the last. We’re committed to making connectivity simple and worry-free, so developers can focus on applying their knowledge of hardware and the cloud to create a more connected for all of us. You create, and we’ll connect.
For complete pricing information for Soracom Air IoT connectivity and all of our IoT Services, you can always find the latest information at