Soracom at MWC (Mobile World Congress) 2017

Last month, Soracom Global team was given a great opportunity to exhibit at MWC America 2017 which was previously held in Barcelona , Spain. This was the first time ever MWC in the United States so we were so excited to be there. The venue was the world famous Moscone Center in San Francisco downtown where events like Apple’s WWDC and Salesforce’s Dreamforce are held.
SORACOM booth was situated just on the corner of 4YFN(4 Years From Now) area where super cool startups were exhibiting. Our famous mascot, Blackie in the yellow IoT enabled raincoat, was of course with us throughout the conference.
This time, 4YFN main stage was named “4YFN SORACOM THEATER” and all the innovative talks and panels took place there.
During MWC America, our CTO, Kenta Yasukawa, came up on stage along with Anthony Passemard from Google and Erin Linke from Seeed studio to discuss about how easy it is to be able to buy even a single device from a company like Seeed Studio and connect to Google Cloud through SORACOM platform to achieve Internet of Things. Kenta brought an arduino nano with temperature/humidity sensor that was hooked up to Sigfox chip to show how easy this device along with SORACOM platform to visualize the sensor data on Cloud.
During the event, we jointly announced our forthcoming general availability of IoT Starter kit which includes Wio Tracker from Seeed Studio with SORACOM Air Global SIM. This Wio Tracker has GPS and Grove connectors for various sensors to be connected. With SORACOM Air SIM, the data flows straight to wherever you need them to be.
Seeed studio demonstrated this Wio Tracker with ultrasonic sensor attached to the back of a trashcan to notify how full it was and whether the lid was open. The location was displayed on the google map using GPS information from Wio Tracker along with the sensor data.
Another exciting announcement was our Sigfox connectivity support on our SORACOM Air platform in the United States.
To spice up the announcement, we organized our first Sigfox hands-on workshop in Fremont, CA. We had Sigfox folks visiting from France, and all the attendees were able to hear what is new in LPWA/Sigfox space.
This was the actual hands-on kit with Arduino Nano, Temperature/Humidity sensor, and Sigfox module all connected up by our attendees. To know more about our hands-on workshop and Silicon Valley Meetup group, please follow our Silicon Valley Internet of Things meetup page
Last and foremost, our global team is expanding and we will continue to connect more and more devices to cloud platforms of your choice.
Hope to see you all in the next IoT event.
Soracom US Team