Secure IoT Device Provisioning
Device configuration on demand
Typically, IoT device provisioning with security credentials must be performed at the point of manufacture. This ensures secure communication between connected devices, IoTinfrastructure and cloud services. But it also adds significant cost and complexity to the manufacture process.
SORACOM Krypton provides on-demand provisioning of credentials and connection destinations based on SIM authentication, streamlining design and manufacture, increasing flexibility, and saving both time and cost.
For complete technical details, use cases, and instructions for getting started, visit the Soracom developer site.
What does Krypton solve?
Setup on demand
A common firmware image removes the need to provision authentication during manufacturing.
Credential management
Public cloud credentials can be provisioned or changed at any time.
Bearer agnostic
Works across networks, including cellular, Wi-Fi, or wired.

Remote Provisioning by API
To connect to your cloud, devices enabled with SORACOM Krypton can use the Soracom API to request initial settings. Krypton then forwards the request to your cloud services and returns the appropriate settings and credentials.
Once devices have been authenticated and provisioned, they can connect to your cloud as usual. If needed, you can change credentials at any time.

Cross-Network SIM Authentication
When combined with SORACOM Endorse, Krypton can authenticate devices using their unique, encrypted Soracom SIM cards. This allows provisioning over Wi-Fi or Ethernet, with no cellular connection required.
For additional security, SIMs can be locked to specific devices (IMEI lock). This ensures that even if they are physically stolen they will no longer be able to access your network.