Soracom Air for Sigfox
Global Sigfox connectivity

Powerful, global,
Now you can manage both Global GSM and Sigfox connectivity from a central platform with a single billing system.
Soracom Air for Sigfox provides centralized control for your Sigfox connections on a bring-your-own-device, pay-as-you-go basis, with service available in over 50 countries across EMEA, APAC, North America and South America.
And it comes with everything you’d expect from Soracom: management APIs, CLI, web console, and advanced platform services that let you standardize your connectivity and data management.
You’ll also get the benefit of secure connection to leading cloud services such as AWS IoT, AWS Kinesis, Google IoT, Azure IoT and PubNub.
Enhanced Capabilities
for IoT and M2M
Soracom Air for Sigfox service includes powerful Soracom Platform capabilities at no added cost:
• Device management APIs, CLI and console
• Per-device Uplink API, CLI and console
• Advanced Binary decoding
• Soracom Beam for data optimization
• Soracom Funnel for public cloud integration
Once you have your Sigfox device ID and PAC, you’re ready to register your devices in the Soracom User Console. You can always find technical information and sample code on the Soracom Developer Site.

Soracom provides a complete pay-as-you-go model for your Sigfox devices, with charges calculated daily based on:
• Number of devices connected
• Location of the first message of the day (by country)
• Number of Uplink messages sent (up to 12 bytes per message)
• Number of Downlink messages sent (up to 8 bytes per message)
Pricing scales down based on daily Uplink/Downlink volume and number of devices connected. Total cost is reduced as you scale up, with significant discounts as your network grows past 1,000 and 10,000 devices.
Minimum commitment for service is 12 months per device, beginning when the device sends its first message. After the first 12 months, cost drops dramatically, and you can expect to see savings of up to 50% depending on location.
Pricing Examples
• For a network of 10 sensors in California, each sending no more than 2 uplink messages per day, total Soracom Air for Sigfox cost would be $0.30/day for the first 12 months, falling to $0.15/day thereafter.
• If the same network increased messaging volume to 100 uplink messages per day, total cost for Soracom Air for Sigfox would be $0.59/day for the first 12 months, falling to $0.29/day thereafter.
For a detailed estimate based on your use case and location, please contact us.