
Blues is a verified Soracom Partner Soracom Partner

Blues simplifies wireless communication by transforming physical products into data-driven intelligent services.

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About Blues

Blues is bridging the gap between the physical and digital worlds. 

Blues took the many messy pieces of IIoT and transformed them into a turnkey experience that enables you to connect any device to any cloud in 3 easy steps. 

By taking the complexity out of connectivity, Blues customers spend far less time configuring cloud connectivity and more time developing ground-breaking applications. Blues’ harmonized ecosystem enables developers to move freely between cellular, Wi-Fi, LoRa, and satellite at any point in the product life cycle with minimum software or hardware re-design. 

Over 900 companies have used Blues to transform their industrial equipment, agriculture products, energy monitoring solutions, and other products into valuable data-driven “as-a-service” applications. 

Discover how Blues can accelerate your connected product’s time to market, reduce the total cost of ownership, and minimize project risk.

Discover Notecard for Soracom

Connect any device to any cloud over Soracom’s global network using Blues’ turnkey wireless technology.

Blues Notecard IoT Starter Kit for Soracom

Blues Notecard IoT Starter Kit for Soracom

Blues Notecard IoT Starter Kit for Soracom

Blues Notecard IoT Starter Kit for Soracom

Company Overview:

Blues Blues is a verified Soracom Partner

Bridging the gap between the physical and digital worlds


Device Partner


