Certificate Management Alternative For Smart Devices
NeuronicWorks can help implement Soracom's cost-saving and performance-enhancing features
Soracom customers can eliminate 3rd-party certificate management costs and streamline manufacturing using the SIM you already pay for.
Are you still paying a third-party service to manage your unique device certificates for device-level security authentication? If you’re still early in your hardware and firmware design process you can eliminate this added expense if you use a Soracom SIM or eSIM in your smart device for multicarrier cellular connectivity.
Provision anytime
A common firmware image removes the need to provision authentication during manufacturing.
Control your credentials
Public cloud credentials can be provisioned or changed at any time.
Not limited to cellular
Works across networks, including cellular, Wi-Fi, or wired.
NeuronicWorks is our partner that can help implement these cost-savings
NeuronicWorks can help walk you through the design, certification, and implementation steps to leverage Soracom’s Credential Provisioning and Authentication service on your next smart device project.
How does this technology impact my smart device design?
Typically, IoT device provisioning with security credentials must be performed at the point of manufacture. This ensures secure communication between connected devices, IoT infrastructure, and cloud services. But it also adds significant cost and complexity to the manufacturing process because every device needs to have its own unique ID and supporting cryptographic keys to authenticate with the cloud.

Soracom provides on-demand provisioning of credentials and connection destinations based on SIM authentication, streamlining design and manufacture, increasing flexibility, and saving both time and cost. By serving as the hardware security module for your device, a Soracom SIM can leverage the pre-existing encrypted cryptographic keys to validate and authenticate the unique identity for your smart devices.
Get a free consultation for your next hardware design
Find out how you can eliminate the additional cost that you’re paying for certificate management and simplify your device-kitting process.
About Soracom
Soracom offers so much more than multicarrier cellular connectivity and automatic failover, there is an entire platform full of features for improving your time to market, reducing the cost of goods, and lowering operational expenses β but some features need to be built in from the start.
About NeuronicWorks
Our friends at NeuronicWorks have a wealth of specialized knowledge in selecting the right technologies, for end-to-end product development including hardware and software development, certification and manufacturing. Whether exploring eSIM technology or alternatives to expensive third-party certificate handling services, NeuronicWorks can help, offering turn-key design and manufacturing services.