Master 2020 with Amazing New Features!

Starting the New Year Right!
What’s a better way to kick off 2020 than with some exciting new features!
Every year, we collect requests from our users across the world on what they would like added to the Soracom connectivity and management platform. Without further ado, here’s some of the new capabilities you can expect in the new year.
Specify source IP addresses that can access the user console.
Last year, we were able to deploy multi-factor authentication for Soracom login, adding an extra layer of security to IoT projects.
This year, we’re taking it to the next level with the ability to grant user console entry based on IP addresses using SAM (subscription authentication module).
With this, users can perform IP locks on demand and can even grant access to a single IP address to limit risk.
Enable QoS1 support for Soracom Beam’s MQTT Endpoint
Currently, Soracom Beam only supports QoS0 which means that there are no additional security checks to data that is sent or received. On request, we’ve added QoS1 support to Soracom Beam’s MQTT endpoint. This means that each data packet that is sent will be confirmed as received, and will actually continue to try delivering upon failure.
This will provide more transparency to the data transmission process and allow users to follow their information very closely as it travels from device to cloud.
Enable ‘will’ support for Soracom Beam’s MQTT Endpoint
When using MQTT, a device typically connects to a server (called a broker) and sends data (publishes) to a particular topic.
This works great for sending sensor data or forwarding a notification when a device is turned on/off but if the device loses its connection, there’s no way for it to send a message to the broker so that everyone else knows that it’s disconnected.
We’re solving this by adding ‘will’ support to the Soracom Beam MQTT endpoint. This will allow a device to send a message after its disconnected, and will be particularly beneficial for IoT projects that send data infrequently as without it, it can be difficult to detect when devices have been disconnected.
Support Sensit v3 Binary Parser
Although we do not sell Sens’it V3, we have delivered a binary parser defined format for it.
Using SORACOM Air for SigFox, you can now register and use your purchased device with Beam, Funnel and Harvest. Visit here to learn how to register your SigFox device
Generate SIM List in .CSV format
We understand how frustrating it can be able to easily generate all of your active devices in .CSV just because your device count is above 100. To fix this, we will be providing customers with a spreadsheet that includes a Google app script which will detail how clients can use the CLI to convert the SIM list to .CSV.
For more details, check out our API reference.
Enable header omission when using Unified Endpoint
Until now, there has not been a way to avoid returning status codes in the UDP and TCP entry points of SORACOM Beam. However, upon request, this is now available in Unified Endpoint.
Turn on “Omit status code” in Beam as shown below.
Select “SORACOM Beam” for Unified Endpoint settings.
Happy 2020!
Thank you to everyone for the great requests and best of luck with your cellular IoT projects in the new year. Be sure to follow Soracom on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to learn about upcoming products and services!