3 IoT Data Plan Pitfalls that Project Managers Must Avoid

Even if you’ve discovered the world’s greatest cellular IoT application — the one that will change industries overnight and reshape the way people live — you’re still need a data plan.
After all, your fleet of IoT sensors, trackers and other devices are going to need a way to send the data they’ve collected to be analyzed for actionable insights.
Data is a crucial building block for any successful project across virtually any industry, as it lays the foundation that will determine how much you will have to spend per megabyte.
Here are three pitfalls to avoid when shopping for the best IoT data plan for your project.
Minimum Commitment
If you own a smartphone, you likely have experience with minimum commitment plans. You choose the amount of data that you expect you’ll use every month and that’s what you pay for.
For many, this data plan structure is frustrating as it offers no flexibility to the end user. Going over your 1GB data limit will result in overage costs that are often significantly higher than choosing a larger data plan. Plus, if you end up not using your allocated 1GB, you are still paying the full price.
Data usage is especially difficult to predict when it comes to IoT projects, as it can depend on seasonality, scaling, and more. For instance, retail IoT applications may require ten times the average data load during the holiday season. However, signing a contract for a permanent data plan at that rate will be ineffective for the rest of the year, as much of the data will not be used.
IoT projects typically revolve around infrequently sending small amounts of data such as asset tracking and remote monitoring; something that most telecommunications companies won’t even offer. However, in periods of time where data may be more than the average amount, overage costs across hundreds to thousands of devices can be fatal.
IoT projects need a flexible data plan that provides them with the exact resources they need at any given time. With the ability to expand and constrict your data without unnecessary costs, you can stop worrying about finding the money and start focusing on scaling your business.
More than a Pipeline
Virtually any IoT cellular connectivity can provide you with the tools and resources to transmit data from device to cloud. However, choosing the right partner for your IoT data plan can provide you with additional value that can set your IoT project apart from the competition that are using their connectivity as nothing more than a pipeline for data.
By relying on intelligent IoT connectivity, you can empower your project with unprecedented functionality including remote access, device provisioning, encryption offloading and more. For instance, SORACOM Air provides IoT projects with strong and reliable connectivity that is easy to scale in over 120 countries.
However, as an IoT-focused MVNO, we also provide comprehensive cloud-based services that allow companies to gain insights from their IoT project, reduce spend on power and data, improve device performance and more.
Finding these capabilities within telecommunication companies’ IoT data plans is next to impossible as their primary focus remains on their target audience: smartphone users.
Trusted Authority
With 76% of IoT projects failing, building a strong foundation for growth and expansion is more important than ever. However, it can be difficult to do it alone.
Finding reliable partners that can strengthen your IoT project is crucial to delivering a long-lasting IoT application that can drive profits and provide value. While telecommunication companies can provide IoT projects with functioning data plans, they often lack the experience to troubleshoot or make recommendations for improvements. This can stall growth and performance, especially for new businesses that are still experimenting with their use case.
Investing in an IoT data plan from a trusted network authority provides reliable cellular connectivity that comes from experienced individuals who understand the industry. As a result, there will be less blank stares and more quick fixes, allowing IoT projects to continue delivering actionable insights and driving value for years to come.
The Perfect Partner
We understand that choosing an IoT data plan is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. After all, it’s at the heart of any project, delivering the information that powers your company and provides value to your clients.
IoT project managers have a million things to focus on, and trying to understand a convoluted IoT data plan shouldn’t be one of them.
That’s why Soracom built a “pay-as-you-use” IoT data plan that provides the operational flexibility that projects need to thrive in any market. Without any minimum commitment, you are free to increase or decrease your data requirements at no cost, saving you time and money.
Plus, our comprehensive services are helping IoT project managers save on battery life, data usage and device size every day, providing value that can help you get ahead.
Ready to invest in a cellular data plan built for IoT projects? Book a demo today and discover the value of intelligent IoT connectivity.